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What about alterations?

Generally speaking, it’s easier and less risky to alter a garment by taking it in rather than trying to enlarge it, which can result in not having enough fabric left for the seams. For instance, tapering a jacket is quite simple, but doing the opposite can be trickier.

What about alterations? - Mens suits and clothes De Fursac
It's important to note that certain alterations aren't possible on all types of clothing. For example, most dress pants come with unfinished hems, allowing you to adjust the leg length to your preference. However, lengthening a jacket isn’t feasible due to how vents and the curved fronts are constructed. On the other hand, it is entirely possible to shorten a jacket or adjust sleeve length within certain limits (up to +2.5 cm). Tailors can also remove fake sleeve buttonholes and create new ones if you want functioning buttonholes.

One key piece of advice:

Much like finding the right hairdresser, there’s no such thing as universally “good” or “bad” tailors. What matters most is getting to know your tailor, spending time with them, and educating them on your personal preferences. They will quickly become an invaluable ally!

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