French clichés
A series of ten photographs by Charles Negre for FURSAC
Charles Negre playfully celebrates the French spirit of Fursac with his series titled French Clichés.
The ten still lifes explore some of the most endearing French clichés, light-heartedly reflecting an art of living and panache inherent to the fashion house.
From the Fursac man’s morning croissant casually devoured while slipping into a shirt - could there be a better cure for a long night of partying? - to the vivid childhood memories conjured up by a glass of diabolo-menthe - a typically French peppermint cordial - or the simple sight of a glass of red wine and pure joy of salted butter on crunchy toast. The series evokes a few of the simple pleasures of everyday life that Gauthier Borsarello holds so dearly.
A timeless homage to a French summer well spent.
Photographer :
@charlesnegre Set design :
@marinearmandin Creative Direction :
@gauthierborsarello Artistic Direction :